If you are looking for a moment of enjoyment and pure relaxation, this is the perfect consultation for you. A healthy way to get away from everyday stress and reduce mother’s anxiety, which is often felt by the baby. A treat for both of you, that you will want to repeat just because.
The massage is designed with gentle, painless movements that stimulate the release of endorphins, hormones associated with the feeling of well-being. The rhythmic movements are also a stimulus for blood and lymph circulation. The tension is, little by little, attenuated, helping you to have more comfort in your daily life, to rest better and to sleep more peacefully.
Massage is a privileged way of communicating with the pregnant woman’s body. In pregnancy, being a period in which the woman’s body has specific needs, it is important that the massages are per-formed by a specialized professional, with deep knowledge of the physiological changes that happen in each stage of pregnancy, ensuring safety and efficacy.
At UTERUS, this service is performed by our specialized team of Physiotherapists, who promote a quiet and relaxed environment, to assure your constant comfort and well-being. The massage has an approximate duration of 60 minutes.
The appointment for relaxation massage can be held at UTERUS facilities or at home.
Contact us for more information or scheduling.