Acupuncture is a therapeutic technique and a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that consists in the introduction of fine needles on the body surface at specific locations. It uses its own diagnostic system, and the points are chosen according to the therapeutic goal. It is practically painless and very safe.
The menstrual cycle is a barometer of women’s health. Traditional Chinese Medicine can be an excellent ally to optimize the menstrual cycle. This appointment will help you understand how the phases of the cycle impact your daily life and vice versa, and clarify what you can adjust in your lifestyle, wheter it is diet, sleep routines, exercise and others, towards global balance.
The most common imbalances in which acupuncture can help include:
- menstrual pain
- irregular cycles
- endometriosis pain
- heavy menstruation
- prolonged absences of menstruation
- polycystic ovary syndrome
Acupuncture appointments are held at UTERUS premises.
Contact us here for more information.