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Sex Therapy Consultation

The main goal of the Clinical Psychology consult for Sex Therapy is to help the person/couple to deal with the difficulties that may emerge in the context of their sexuality and conjugality.

Sexuality and the desire for intimacy are essential factors in the human development process, contributing to well-being, physical health, and mental health. There are many psychological, biological, social, and relational factors that determine human sexuality.

These are some examples of periods in a woman’s life that can bring her extra challenges for a healthy and happy experience of her sexuality:

  • physical, emotional and social transformations that may interfere with the knowledge, acceptance and integration of the process of building gender identity and sexual orientation; with sexual desire, with the sexual act and/or with sexual pleasure
  • challenges associated with the pregnancy and postpartum period, such as the bodily and emotional changes, as well as the adaptations associated with the arrival of a baby, a new family member, including the integration of her new role as a mother, and the readjustments in marital life
  • challenges associated with the (peri)menopausal period and aging, such as the acceptance of body changes, integration of new roles, among others

The experience of these changes varies, and often the woman deals adaptively with all of them, finding a new balance. When this balance is difficult, we are here to help her.

There are some situations that may signal the need to seek specialized help, namely:

  • difficulties associated with the discovery, integration, acceptance, and exploration of your sexual identity
  • the presence of sexual difficulties at the level of desire, arousal and/or orgasm, causing significant levels of interference and discomfort
  • significant decrease in levels of sexual satisfaction
  • significant loss of usual levels of intimacy within a relationship
  • significant difficulties in communication, problem solving, and decision making
  • vaginismus and pain during sexual intimacy

The Clinical Psychology consult for Sex Therapy follows the Cognitive-Behavioral Model, which consists of a structured and collaborative approach that will allow the person or couple to acquire cognitive, emotional and behavioral strategies to deal with their current difficulties, taking into account their context, personal history and individuality.

The main strategies aim at the reconnection of the person with his/her own sexuality, the improvement of the communication skills with the partner, as well as to reinforce the levels of intimacy and relational closeness, which will contribute to a better sexual functioning and satisfaction.

The number of sessions varies according to the type and degree of difficulties and the objectives defined during the psychotherapeutic process.

The Psychology Consult for Sex Therapy can be done at UTERUS facilities or online.
Contact us here for more information.