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NURSE MIDWIFE with training and experience in physiological births and water births

Being a nurse since 2005, I have always worked in the medical-surgical and intensive care areas. Since the beginning of my professional career, constant control and permanent monitoring have always made sense to me. I’ve worked in emergency situations, under a lot of stress and intervention.

In 2016 I became pregnant and the new and loving world of maternal health opened up. In addition to all the research I had done, the monitoring of my pregnancy by excellent health professionals, including the UTERUS team, the childbirth preparation and parenting classes, my childbirth experience was truly empowering and transformative. At that moment I realized what my path would be… to accompany couples and families through their pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum process, in a safe, non-judgmental and respectful environment, in order to contribute to the development of strategies and tools that help them deal with the realistic challenges of pregnancy and childbirth and facilitate the transition to a more conscious and responsible motherhood and fatherhood.

In 2018 I became an activist in the field of maternal health, creating free groups to share experiences of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.

In 2019 I finished my Specialty in Maternal Health and Obstetrics and I feel that my mission as a midwife is to contribute to the empowerment of women/couples, to the healthy discussion of conscious and informed choices and, ultimately, to facilitate more positive and respected experiences for the family that is born.


_ Parir em Movimiento: Functional Anatomy of Physiological Birth® | Modules I and II: Mobility of the Pelvis, Positions and Movements in Childbirth, by Núria Vives, 2021
_ Programa Nascer Positivo® | Module 1: Preparing for Labor/Birth; Module 2: Promoting Physiological Childbirth; Module 3: Postpartum Recovery; Module 4: Water in Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2019-2021
_ Advanced Neonatal Life Support, 2018
_ American Heart Association Basic Life Support and AED Instructor Course, 2013
_ American Heart Association (AHA) Advanced Life Support, 2010
_ Postgraduate Diploma in Emergency and Disaster Nursing, 2007
_ Trauma Nursing Core Course by the Emergency Nurses Association, 2007
_ Emergency Nurses Association Trauma Nursing Core Course, 2007