Nutrition in childhood plays a crucial role in the development of immunity and global health. This is one of the areas in which is wonderful to explore with parents the particularities of each baby and child.
The process of introducing and diversifying food represents an important family adaptation, involving new challenges and routines. There are imitation models, rules, and many other determining factors that are addressed in the consultation, to promote a healthy diet for the baby and child.
The baby feels in utero the taste of the food his mother ingests, so this is already a great time to start the work of food diversification. The same happens during breastfeeding.
In situations where there are health issues, the tools worked out in the functional nutrition appointment can be crucial, even during the exclusive breastfeeding phase.
In the cases of older children, the challenge is different. You need to get into their world and work side by side. It is magical to feel the complicity in the adoption of diet strategies by the little ones.
Most frequent reasons for making a pediatric nutrition appointment:
- dietary diversification in the first years of life
- vegetarian/vegan child nutrition
- information and guidance on introduction of new foods: traditional methods, Baby Led Weaning (BLW) and Baby Led Introduction to SolidS (BLISS)
- recurrent situations of reflux, colic, constipation, and atopic dermatitis.
The appointment can be performed at UTERUS premises or online.
Contact us here for more information.