The menstrual cycle is an important vital sign, a “barometer of health”. Unique and with individual characteristics in each woman. For a healthy and positive experience of your health, it is essential that each woman knows, understands, accepts and welcomes the feelings, body changes and behaviours associated with the different phases of her menstrual cycle throughout life. This knowledge is essential to detect situations of stress and distress in her body at an early stage, manifested by irregularities and menstrual dysfunctions or even infertility.
In this consultation, an assessment of the woman’s global health status (or the couple, in situations of difficulty in getting pregnant) is carried out: sleep quality, digestive and intestinal functioning, nutritional status, physical activity, stress management, menstrual cycle characteristics, associated diseases, use of contraceptives or alternative methods in the management of fertility. This assessment will be the starting point for establishing a personalized health plan.
The method proposed in consultation to promote the natural management of fertility is the symptothermal method based on the primary signs and secondary signs of fertility whose effectiveness in preventing pregnancy is 99.6%.
This consultation is facilitated by a midwife, specialized in menstrual health and fertility, cycle disorders and orthomolecular nutrition in female and male health.
It was specially created for women/couples who wants to:
- know their menstrual cycle and how their fertility works in more depth
- know alternatives to manage their fertility
- natural manage their fertility
- recognize the health signs associated with the menstrual cycle and fertility
- promote oocyte quality
- understand the functions of the sperm
- promote sperm quality
- acquire resources to promote and/or restore their menstrual health and fertility, in case of cycle distress
The most frequent situations of distress that arise in consultation include couples with difficulty in becoming pregnant and women with menstruation disorders / cycle disorders such as: amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, long follicular phases/long cycles, anovulatory bleeding, short follicular phase, luteal insufficiency, functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, hyperprolactinemia, heavy menstrual bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pain, among others.
Consultations are carried out at UTERUS facilities or digitally. Consultation packs are available, when a follow-up is needed.
Contact us here for more information.