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Formadora: Anna Maria Rossetti
Data: 25 e 26 de Fevereiro de 2025, das 9h30 às 17h30
Local: Hotel da Música, Porto
Formação Certificada pela DGERT

O curso será lecionado em Inglês, sem tradução.

UTERUS cicatriz pos parto

É uma honra voltar a receber em Portugal Anna Maria Rossetti para mais uma formação diferenciada, desta vez dedicada aos cuidados às lesões e cicatrizes relacionadas com o parto. Será uma formação de 2 dias, em inglês (sem tradução), com conteúdos teóricos e práticos especializados, para um cuidado integrativo da mulher, “trazendo paz tanto para o corpo quanto para a alma”.
Não perca esta oportunidade única e inscreva-se já.

As inscrições são limitadas!

símbolo dgert entidadeformadora certificada

Curso desenhado para parteiras, aberto a outros profissionais de saúde como fisioterapeutas, osteopatas e médicos especializados na área da saúde materna.


An episiotomy or a perineal tear not only results in pain and possible perineal deficiencies, at short, mid and long term. A birth injury, just like any other scar involving different layers and tissues, can affect the mobility, the tone thus the health of both proximal and distal muscles and organs in the woman’s body. In my experience as a midwife with osteopathic basis, it often happens to be asked to treat perineal scars with the indication of solving a dyspareunia or increasing the effectiveness of a not effective perineal rehab. Scars, due to the interference with muscular aponeurosis, can interfere with the postural balance of the body, can send hypo or hypertonic messages to the gluteus, to the psoas muscles, and can modify the physiological orientation of the uterus, increasing the stress of the uterine ligaments and interfering with the normal involution and retraction of the womb after birth. Both perineal and abdominal scars can cause abnormal lochia to the woman and, if not treated, can result in postural distress, low back/knees/shoulder/nipples pain, heavier and more painful menstrual cycles after birth.

Scars do speak. They hold the memory of the trauma they have been through. Our tissues remember every movement, every touch, every single stretch applied on them before the tear or the cut occurred. And the suturing movements remain too. I often find the professionals’ movements imprinted in the perineum of women years after birth. Everything we do, as professionals, on those tissues during birth, stays there forever, because time is an irrelevant variable in the face of trauma. It is the same for the emotional trauma: if not treated, if not taken care of, it will live ageless in our body and mind.
Treating our childbirth scars means renewing our relationship with our femininity, with our deep maternal roots. with our newborn child and with our life experience as women. As a midwife my goal is to guide women into rediscovering their body, re-establishing the dignity of their genital experiences. Identity, self-esteem, grief, loss, love, relations, motherhood, sisterhood: our genitals are treasure chests for our experiences as female human beings. Integrating our childbirth scars means putting our pieces together and integrating our experience of motherhood in our body and life.

When treating scars, our memories surface, hidden emotions rise up: what needs to be put out is evoked by the movement of the fascia before it is finally put in the right order, bringing peace both to body and soul. Some tissues are totally unsensitive and are perceived as “dead tissues”, as “strangers to the body”. Our job is to put the pieces back together. Help women regaining their wholeness.
Regaining wholeness is possible and compulsory but not immediate: we need (both midwives and women) the will to heal, the patience to go through painful memories, the strength to face our deep femininity and the unconditional love towards ourselves.
I’m grateful to all the women I met in my professional life, who taught me that everything is possible: women’s bodies and souls are truly fearless, courageous and can really rise to shine, rebirth themselves even more intact, more beautiful and more complete than before, no matter what. And I’m thrilled to share this experience with other midwives. To offer new rituals and osteopathic tools to deal with childbirth scars, injuries and spiritual and physical healing.



Conteúdos Teóricos

  • The Method: 10 steps to healing
  • Storytelling
  • Fixing expectations
  • Drawing and charting the scar
  • The scar’s anamnesis
  • Physical Observation
  • Kinesiological Testing
  • Treating and releasing the memories
  • The key questions during a manual treatment
  • Phsy-K: finding new words to reprogram the subconscious
  • Homeworks: the work that continues after the treatment is done
  • Next appointments
  • How wounds heal: physiology of recovery from day 0 to day 20
  • Basics of osteopathic knowledge on scar tissues, fascia and connective layer
  • CR-PTSD v/s trauma reactive response: how to recognize the different symptoms

Conteúdos Práticos

  • The correct anamnesys of a birth injury: physical, emotional, relational factors
  • The observation of the mother-baby relationship
  • The role of the partner: how and when to involve the woman’s partner in the healing process
  • The genital anamnesys
  • The imaginary genitals, the real genitals
  • The importance to work on a woman’s representation of her own genitals
  • The use of creativity: an access of the lymbic brain to our inner genital knowledge
  • Preparing the setting for a genital exploration
  • Observation of the genitals: what to look at
  • How to keep the record of the progresses of the scar
  • Clinical cases
  • The empathetic touch
  • Listen to the fascia with our fingers
  • Listen to the scars
  • How to move and heal the injured tissues
  • The onyon rule: the last imprinting is never the least
  • Neurovegetative responses during treatments
  • Emotional responses during treatments
  • Circulatory responses during treatments

Anna Maria Rossetti é uma parteira independente, palestrante internacional, autora e diretora da Escola de Arte de Obstetrícia de pós-graduação situada em Florença, Itália.
Trabalha internacionalmente oferecendo palestras e workshops sobre os aspectos teóricos e práticos da PsicoNeuroEndocrinaFisiologia (PNEP) aplicada à gravidez e ao parto.

Realizou Mestrado em Posturologia e Terapias Manuais e em Midwifery Continuity of Care e ensina técnicas manuais para tratamento de stress durante a gravidez e o trabalho de parto, com especial atenção para o reconhecimento da ativação e do funcionamento do sistema nervoso autónomo.
Tem experiência no tratamento de cicatrizes relacionadas ao parto perineal e abdominal, tanto sob os aspectos físicos, quanto simbólicos e emocionais.

É coautora de livros sobre PNEP na gravidez e no parto e é autora de muitos artigos como parceira do Conselho Editorial SEAO (Florença, Itália).
Tem como missão trazer a paz de volta ao nascimento, reunindo parteiras, médicos e doulas, com novos conhecimentos sobre fisiologia e dando força e reconhecimento ao conhecimento das mulheres nas suas passagens sexuais.


Investimento: 500€ | IBAN PT50 0010 0000 63644990001 47 | Banco BPI
Opção de pagamento faseado: 550€  (275€ até 25 de Dezembro, e 275€ até 25 de Janeiro).
O número de vagas é limitado. A inscrição só será validada após pagamento e envio do respetivo comprovativo de transferência e da ficha de inscrição para formacao.uterus@gmail.com
O pagamento faseado só garante a reserva de vaga após o envio de comprovativo da primeira prestação.

Em caso de desistência, o valor pago apenas é reembolsável caso o formando garanta a inscrição de outro participante no seu lugar.
A organização reserva-se o direito de não realizar a formação caso não atinja o número mínimo de participantes. Neste caso, proceder-se-á à devolução dos pagamentos realizados até à data.